Chavin de Huantar
Chavin de Huantar is an archaeological site located 250 kilometers (155
miles) north of Lima, Peru. The site lies at an elevation of 3177 meters
(10,423 feet), beyond the Andean mountain range known as the Cordillera
Blanca in Ancash Region. The city's location at the headwaters of Rio
Marañon, between the coast and the jungle, made it an ideal location for
the dissemination and collection of both ideas and material goods.
Chavin de Huantar was initially built by the Chavin, a pre-Moche
culture, around 900 B.C. The site consists of two main structures, the
Old Temple and New Temple. The Old Temple was an inward-facing U-shaped
structure with a central court. The court contained obelisks and stone
monuments with low relief carvings depicting jaguars, caymans, hawks,
and various anthropomorphic forms. The interior of the temple contained
a maze of passageways, chambers and water conduits.
The New Temple, constructed between 500 and 200 B.C., also contained
many relief sculptures and was a more block-like form. A massive stair
led up to an elevated landing with a sunken rectangular court. Hidden
passageways and platforms allowed priests to miraculously appear above
their audiences.
The population in the surrounding areas grew from about 500 in its
initial phase to nearly 3,000 around 400-200 B.C. Several droughts
occurred at the time of the occupation of Chavin de Huantar, leading to
the increased travel of pilgrims and traders. These natural events,
along with the strategic location of the temple site, led to the wide
dissemination of the Chavin artistic style and religious beliefs
throughout the area that is now known as Peru.
Some of the Chavin reliefs from this archaeological site are on display
in the Museo de la Nacion in Lima. Chavin de Huantar is a UNESCO World
Heritage Site.
An alternative dating scheme for Chavin has been put forward recently by
a team of researchers from Stanford University which finds that the
chronology of construction at Chavin argues for dates a number of
centuries earlier, and in particular, that monumental construction at
Chavin ceased well prior to 500 B.C.
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